Respiratory Virus + 3rd Trimester “Morning” Sickness = Ugh!

I have been and remain very sick with a respiratory virus that has me hacking until I either gag/vomit or pee myself. Or both. Both is especially fun. I slept about 2 hours last night between coughing madly and getting up to change pyjama pants. I am bitter and exhausted. 

As if this exquisite torture isn’t enough, I’m extremely light-headed and plagued by unrelenting nausea even when I take the maximum dose of Diclectin for this third-trimester “morning” sickness. 

Anyone else been here? I remember Plan Y having a terrible chest infection in the third trimester and suffering for what seemed like forever from it.  She lived. So I think there is hope for me. 

In other news? I don’t really have anything too revelatory. I look forward to feeling better one of these days. Today I have opted not to bring this virus into my workplace and just changed the sheets (hoping this will make it comfortable enough that I may for once succeed at napping in the daytime. 

I hope everyone is managing or better and I especially hope none of you catch this nasty virus.  Cheers, friends!

Seriously, Universe?

After everything else the LP and I have endured to get to this point did you really need to bless me with horrible morning (and all day) sickness beginning in the late second and ramping up in the third trimester of this pregnancy?


How can this be?  

However it can, it sucks.  And it is kicking my behind.  I actually left work yesterday because of it and had to drag myself in this morning despite it.

There is always something, isn’t there?